Embrace The Intricate Beauty of Uncertainty


you can put anything here

Friday, May 24, 2013 @ 11:55 PM PERMALINK

I know I say this quite often but I have decided that I need to take things into my own hands.
It is time to pull my 101 ideas together and commit to some of them.
While I don't hate when my life is right now, I know I'm meant for more magic. For things that can and will fill my heart with nothing but joy and amazement.

No, I have not reached about where I wake up dreading work. I am grateful that I have a pretty good entry level job that allows me the freedom to learn and experience things by myself. It is just that I know that I can do more and I WILL do more.

It is hard to pin down what this really entails so I do apologise for being so vague. Nonetheless, change is in the end. I reckon they may even be too small for any one else to see but I know that they'll be enough for me to notice.

P.S: This is not the start of some quarter life crisis, swear.

Love & Light kittens.
Be back soon!
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tq so much ; ayemrawi, images