Embrace The Intricate Beauty of Uncertainty


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Melbourne - Day 4: Books and gelato
Monday, April 8, 2013 @ 3:53 PM PERMALINK

Woke up to breakfast courtesy of Bong. In case you are wondering, this is not usual behavior.

After loading up on the calories, we went back into the Melbourne CBD to explore Victoria Market in the day.


Just outside Victoria Market are more shops. I saw Market Lane Coffee places every now and then but it always looks so intimidating because their customers seem to only buy black coffees and espressos. Maybe I'll give it a shot next time.


This store is called the After Store and it's filled with amazing stuff. I'm still coveting those Mexican paper flags.


Stuffed Veggies. TOO CUTE. Look at that ketchup bottle!


Bong modeling home-ware.


Victoria Market in the day is quite different from Victoria Market at Night. There are rows and rows of stalls selling everything. From edibles and produce to general merchandise.

I always want to go home with fresh fruit, bread, cheese and dips but there is only so much I can consume in 4 days. I did end up buying some quartz, moisturizer, strawberries and cute cupcake liners.


After Victoria Market, Bong and I met up with his classmate Simone for some coffee at Mr. Tulk.
Look at me and my awkward hands. It was a nice cool day (one of the few I was lucky enough to experience) so I got to wear my parrot sweater out.



After coffee, we headed to the Melbourne Library. I love the library. The reading room is magnificent and the free exhibitions are always great. The lawn is also a great place to sit and relax (As long as you aren't afraid of birds)


This is the La Trobe reading room. How gorgeous is it?



Check out these amazing wooden tables. Their bottoms open upwards and can be propped up creating a perfect place to place your books.



The State Library is also home to this architectural beauty


There were a few exhibitions going on - one on the food culture in Melbourne, one on Ned Kelly & the Kelly Gang and one on the history of books. We took a look at all of them before retiring to the lawn for some sunshine.


These American breakdancers and MCs were just starting one of their sets and in just a short while managed to get all these passersby to stop and watch their performance. We watched for awhile before heading back to Carlton.


We headed to Brunetti's before heading home for dinner. Brunetti's is stocked full of tasty goodies that taste as good as they look. It really is a feast for the eyes and your stomach.


Look at all these goodies just waiting to be bought and consumed.  Stepping into Brunetti's is really like being a kid in a candy store. So many things to look at, so many things to buy..


We settled for a drink and some gelato. The gelato here is really creamy and smooth but a little too sweet for my liking. Still, pretty awesome.



On the way back from Brunetti's, we came across the super amazing yarn bomb. IT WAS OF A SLICE OF PIE. I love yarn bombs, they make the streets that much more cheery. Check it out.


We also stopped by Leon's place for awhile to pick up some things that Sonia had left with him and to chill for a bit.

And, here's a picture of strawberries and Lift to end this post. Just because these things always remind me of Australia.


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tq so much ; ayemrawi, images